Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Professor Fluffy Visits Class 5!

This is Professor Fluffy!
She is a Professor in Engineering from Liverpool University 
who came to introduce us to life at College and University.

She helped us to find out lots of things about life after we finish at Secondary school.

Her friends Tina and TJ from Newman University college came to help us with the activities.

We even had a Graduation as students leaving university would do!
In a few weeks we will visit Newman University College
and take part in some lectures and seminars to see what they are like.
We really hope some of our parents and carers will come with us too!
If you would like to find out more about Professor Fluffy and life at university visit her website.
Username: Payne
Password: Wychbury

Monday, 29 March 2010


The following children have achieved the next 'leap':
has joined 66 club
has joined 77 club
Megan N
has joined Superstars Division 60
Well done to you all.

Saturday, 27 March 2010

Good Work

This week's gold cards were awarded to:
a huge improvement in her attitude towards Numeracy.
She even did some extra Maths homework!
showing a really good understanding of a comprehension text.
He also wrote his answers in beautiful, joined script.
Well done to both of you!

Wednesday, 24 March 2010


Lots of children achieved their leapfrog tables challenge this week.
Congratulations to:
Thomas, Conlan and Chelsie
55 club
66 club
Katie W
77 club
Joshua and Oliver

88 club
Megan N
99 club
Nicholas and Joseph
Superstars squares and roots 60

Friday, 19 March 2010

Good work

Congratulations to:
who worked together to design and make a skateboard.
Well done boys!

Thursday, 18 March 2010


On Monday we went to King Edward VI Five Ways school to learn about Rockets as part of National Science and Engineering week. We had a really super time and learnt a lot too! We made some rockets using an empty film canister, an Alka Seltzer tablet and some water. We made quite a mess and the canisters were shooting off towards the hall ceiling!! We also made some rockets out of cardboard and launched them across the playground using a compressor. The ones made by us flew the highest and the furthest. We also had chance to see a real space rocket called "Starchaser" that will be sent into space later this year. We were disappointed that we couldn't go inside it though! Have a look at some of the photographs below.
We had to measure the water very carefully!

It was difficult to measure how high the Alka Seltzer rockets went.

We had to use selotape when making rockets out of cardboard.

We used a tube and added fins and a cone shaped nose to make our rockets.

Our rockets shot right across the playground and onto the field!

The space rocket was huge! We really wanted to see it launched!

Monday, 15 March 2010


Congratulations to the following children who have achieved the next stage of their tables challenge:
66 club
Megan N and Jade
88 club
Superstars Division 80
Superstars Fractions 80

Saturday, 13 March 2010

Good Work

This week's gold cards were awarded to:
progressing to the big swimming pool
writing a very touching poem about his Mum
Well done!
A reminder that class 5 will be visiting King Edward school on Monday afternoon for our Rocketry experience.

Saturday, 6 March 2010

Good Work

This week, congratulations go to:
making really good progress in swimming
learning her spellings and getting them all correct, every week.
Well done to both of you!
A special mention to Mica, Megan N, Nicholas, and Madihah for superb quality homework this week.
Class 5 also filled the marble jar and were given a class treat on Friday afternoon. Brilliant!

Monday, 1 March 2010


These children have achieved the next leap of the school's tables challenge:
55 club
Katie G and Megan T
66 club
77 club
Mica and Nicholas
Superstars Squares and roots 60.
Everyone else had made good progress towards their next leap too! Well done.